Becoming the Greatest Warrior with World of WarCraft Weapons

World of WarCraft, one of the most popular online games with over nine million players, has perhaps the largest amount of content out of any online realm, and it's only expected to get larger. Players can equip themselves with a variety of items to make themselves stronger, such as armor and magical trinkets. One of the fundamental items for most players are their weapons for dealing damage and defeating enemies (although a weapon is certainly not as important for the magic using classes). World of WarCraft weapons come in many different styles for different classes and playing styles, and the sheer amount of them can make choosing one difficult.

Many to Choose From

There are seventeen different types of items classified as World of WarCraft weapons: axes, bows, crossbows, daggers, fist weapons, guns, maces, miscellaneous weapons, polearms, spears, staffs, swords, throwing weapons, two-handed axes, two-handed maces, two-handed swords, and wands. Many of these weapons are restricted to certain classes, such as the warrior or warlock classes, but inside the various types are dozens or even hundreds of different World of WarCraft weapons that you can find in the game.

Different World of WarCraft weapons also deal different types of damaged, such as: arcane, physical, fire, frost, holy, nature, and shadow. Every single character and monster in the game has a specific set of “resistances” to each, so even though one weapon might do more damage in one type than another, the weapon that does less base damage might be more effective against an enemy which has a lower resistance to that type of damage. However, you will want to look at charts that other players have compiled to determine which type of damage is most effective against a certain creature.

This concept plays a prominent role in player versus player combat, a popular “end-game” activity, where players battle against one another depending on their faction. As players can equip items and other skills to raise or lower their particular resistances, World of WarCraft weapons offer much less certainty in their damage types as players attempt to win a large game of rock, paper, scissors. Will one player have strong shadow resistance? Will that player use physical or fire damage against everyone else? The damage types begin to play a very prominent role later on in the game, with some weapons becoming almost useless against some opponents and some weapons becoming even stronger because of an opponent's weak resistance to that damage. To make your character as effective as possible, you'll need to choose the right weapon in World of WarCraft.


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