Looking at World of Warcraft

Anyone who has even a passing interest in online games has surely come across World of Warcraft. In many ways, this has proven to be a very trendsetting game that has far exceeded what most people believed possible in terms of its popularity. As such, a closer look at World of Warcraft is long overdue.

Gaming in Brief

Every generation there comes a game that truly captures the imagination of the world. In the past, games such as Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit and Sorry! each redefined the era in which they debuted. One of the most popular and influential game series that ever developed was the classic role playing game Dungeons and Dragons. When the game was first released it was considered a bizarre departure from what was conventionally accepted as a game. Of course, this departure is what led to its enormous success and as a result Dungeons and Dragons created a whole new genre of gaming that has spawned a multi-million dollar gaming industry. Interestingly, because the format of a role playing game is so open many of these games have made the transition into online communities. Such is the case with World of Warcraft.

The Game Itself

World of Warcraft is the brainchild of Blizzard Entertainment and it is their fourth game which is centered in the fantasy world of the Warcraft Universe. The game originally debuted over 15 years ago in the form of Warcraft: Orcs and Humans. World of Warcraft was released in 2004 and it has not abated in popularity at all over the past 3 years. The game involves the partnership of a huge multiplayer online community. So huge is the community that subscribes to this game there is virtually no other game that even remotely comes close to it in terms of sheer numbers. Perhaps this number will be eclipsed when the fifth game in the series is released? Time will tell.

Shockingly, there is some controversy regarding an "addiction" to the game. That is, people become so intrigued with the game that they invest incredible amounts of time playing the game. In a way, these cries of addiction are often put forth by those who are not familiar with the game or the social functioning that the game provides. That is to say, there is a tremendous amount of social interaction people are able to engage in through the venue of Word of Warcraft so these calls of addiction are somewhat alarmist in nature.
