Miserly Love: The World of Warcraft Auctioneer

In World of Warcraft, money means everything. With money, players can bring their characters to life; they can dress them up in armor, toughen them up with weapons, train them, teach them, feed them, give them horses and pets, get them drunk, immortalize them and mold them into highly-successful, desirable explorers. Money is valuable, and it is not always easy to come by. Items can be sold for money, and money can be taken from defeated creatures, and even other players. It can also be won through contests and quests. However, it still must be guarded; it must be saved and not spent haphazardly.

The World of Warcraft auctioneer is a player’s connection to a miserly existence, a penny-pinching, scrooge-like way of life that can provide a character with the means to buy anything he or she wants. The auction channel within the game allows players to both sell items and buy items through bidding. With the help of the World of Warcraft auctioneer, players can purchase common items for far less than the price offered by vendors; and, if they wish to auction off a prized possession, they can often earn a large amount of money, especially if that item is desirable and valuable to a lot of other players. A lot of money can be both saved and earned through the use of the World of Warcraft auctioneer.

Homeward Bound

A World of Warcraft auctioneer is available for every race and for each faction. Every race has its own capital city, and an auction house stands in each capital. While the auction houses of the factions are connected, including a neutral auction house, they also function independently. In the auction house, a player can search the inventory of a specific World of Warcraft auctioneer and big only on those specific items he or she desires. The auctioning system works realistically; initial bids are followed by raises, and eventually, the items are sold. A player can continually check the status of the auction in the auction house, and will know immediately when he or she has to bid higher or drop out. Players, when selling items, can also establish buyout prices, which allow other players to immediately purchase the items without waiting out the auction. While some auctions only last a few minutes, some can last for hours, even days.

The World of Warcraft auctioneer represents a strict, in-game economy. Players stand to make large profits if they understand the concepts of supply and demand, and if they study closely the individual economies of various realms. If a player sees an expensive item selling for cheap, he or she is advised to buy it and sell it again at a later date for a profit. However, while players can trust the World of Warcraft auctioneer, they cannot always trust the other players. Many players will try anything they can to make a profit, including falsifying prices, item numbers and item types.
